Wisdom Tooth Removal

Approximately 85% of people need their wisdom teeth removed. During your wisdom tooth consultation our Doctors will give their honest recommendations according to your situation. We do our best to avoid wisdom tooth removal when it’s unnecessary. When wisdom teeth do need to be removed, we suggest having them removed before they begin causing oral health problems.

What’s the best age to have wisdom teeth removed? The earlier the better. The older we get, the slower we heal! Don’t be afraid of the procedure. It’s simple, safe and we offer sedation!

If you feel like you might need your wisdom teeth removed just give us a call and schedule an appointment. Consultations are free!

Do you need your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Some people remain problem free when their wisdom teeth erupt. But there are a number of reasons for needing your wisdom teeth removed. If you have any of the following symptoms our Doctors may suggest having your wisdom teeth removed:

  • Not enough space for your wisdom teeth: Most of us have space in our mouths for about 28 teeth, which is the number of teeth you have before your wisdom teeth arrive. Adding four more molars (wisdom teeth) is often too many teeth for our jaw to handle. If your jaw isn’t large enough for your wisdom teeth, the rest of your teeth can become compacted and become misaligned. In some cases, there isn’t even enough space for the wisdom teeth to erupt.
  • Experiencing gum pain near your wisdom teeth: If your wisdom teeth are unable to fully erupt, food and bacteria can get caught in these areas. This can lead to infection. If you are experiencing pain in your wisdom teeth, it may be a sign of infection.
  • Wisdom teeth coming in crooked: If your mouth doesn’t have enough space for your wisdom teeth they can come in crooked. Over time this can cause the rest of your teeth to become misaligned. Misaligned wisdom teeth can also cause damage to your other surrounding teeth. Having these molars removed will prevent your other teeth from these problems.
  • Cyst on wisdom teeth: Sometimes the sac next to the wisdom tooth fills with fluid. When this occurs, it can destroy the surrounding tooth roots or bone. An untreated cyst can lead to a number of serious health problems.

What to Expect…

Being nervous before having your wisdom teeth removed is common. Our Doctors will be sure to help you feel comfortable throughout the process. Here are some of the questions our Doctors will answer for you before the procedure:

  • How many teeth will be removed? Most people have 4 wisdom teeth. Depending on your situation, it may be best to remove 1, 2, or even all 4 at once.
  • Will the Doctor use anesthesia? Typically, our Doctors use anesthesia to help you avoid discomfort during the procedure. During your consultation, our Doctors will discuss everything you need to know about anesthesia.
  • How long will the procedure take? The duration of the procedure will depend on how many wisdom teeth are being removed. Our Doctors will review your situation, then give you an estimate on how long the extraction will take.
  • What do I need to do to prepare for Wisdom Tooth Removal? Before the procedure, you’ll have an evaluation with one of our Doctors. He will review your medical history and examine your wisdom teeth. We will then give you some basic instructions for the day of your procedure.

If you have any other questions we are happy to help. Give us a call to schedule an appointment. Our team will help you throughout the entire process.

Post-Procedure Recovery Tips

After your wisdom teeth have been removed, follow these tips to stay safe and comfortable:

  • Bleeding: If you experience bleeding after wisdom tooth removal, bite down on a moist gauze pad. Continue pressure for 30 to 45 minutes. If bleeding continues, give us a call right away.
  • Swelling: Swelling is common after a 3rd molar extraction procedure. Ice is the best way to reduce swelling. Place an ice pack on the outside of your cheek over the swollen area. Apply ice for 10 minutes at a time, followed by 20 minutes with no ice. Repeat this cycle as often as you need for at least 24 hours.
  • Pain Management: If needed, our doctors can write a prescription for pain management medication. These medications should be replaced with Tylenol or Ibuprofen as soon as pain is manageable. Our Doctors will give you clear instructions on how to manage your pain using medications.

If you experience pain, swelling or bleeding behind your molars just give us a call and schedule an exam. One of our Doctors will help you determine if you need your Wisdom Teeth removed.